Introduction to Angelic Lore: Part 1
In this series, we will introduce you to Angelic lore. We will start by describing where you will start out in the game and further describe the conditions of the Angelic Universe.
Where will You Find Yourself?
In the 28th century, 200 years after the war between corporations and neo-humans, long forgotten Angels returned from deep space. Long ago, corporations dominated Earth, and the arrival of neo-humans put them on red alert. Especially so after the discovery of a dreadful and hostile fungus spreading through their deep-space colonies, infecting any living organism with a plague.
No longer human, you have transcended and are now known as Phoenix, a unique neo-human prototype. You were engineered by Iset the Mother herself, a goddess, your redeemer, and your companion.
You will meet other companions on your adventure. These potential allies might have different abilities, agendas, motivations, and desires. Together with your team, you will leave a deep mark in this universe. Even though the fate of the universe is not up to you, your decisions may have lasting consequences.
Humans and Corporations
Overpopulation, global warming, and clean water source scarcities paved the way for populist and radical governments during the 21st century. The most significant catastrophes occurred due to the digital warfare between the developed countries. Ultimately, a nuclear war broke out, followed by a massive fallout era that eventually triggered the second Dark Age of humanity.
Governments collapsed, and an age of anarchy began. Despite the circumstances, scientists around the world formed a united body officially known as the Terran Union, commonly referred to as The Hope. The Terran Union helped millions of people to rebuild and reorganize their lives.
At first, specialized guilds and companies arose to focus on and solve humanitarian problems. This time, instead of forming governmental bodies based on national or religious identities, humans preferred to lend governance rights to various companies and decentralized organizations. A new world arose within two centuries from the ashes of the old world, heralded by global companies and decentralized organizations.
A new economic model was born. Since no governments and central banks were left, companies decided to use cryptocurrencies, with bitcoin as the main reserve currency. Blockchain technologies took deep roots to help companies organize global and inter-corporate relations.
The legal system was overhauled as well. Blockchain-based smart contracts did not require much jurisdiction for execution; everything was already automatic and authentic. Companies formed another corporation, the Supreme Jurisdiction. They agreed to lend it all the authority to solve disputes between companies, especially on conflicting smart contract problems or uncovered new issues.
Unfortunately, with the rapid expansion of the human population, things changed quickly. Competition once again overcame the unified human front. Companies turned into mega-corporations. Cosmic expansion began, and especially the developments in AI and synths effectively rendered billions of people useless and enhanced the power of corporations further. The Supreme Jurisdiction turned corrupt and became the Supreme Cartel, no longer serving humanity; it serves the interests of corporations.
Today, there are roughly 12 billion humans present. 10 billion reside on Earth, with approximately 90% of them living in severe poverty. 2 billion live on space stations, capital ships, and deep space colonies. Regardless of their residence and wealth, they all have one thing in common. They are all members of corporations. They are born as employees, and unless they risk being a rōnin, they die as one.